What is Giardiasis? – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Find out how the giardia parasite (Giardiasis) might cause you permanent damage!

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Giardia diarrhea is caused by a parasite called giardia intestinalis, or giardia lamblia.
Recent studies show that people who get a giardia infection can later develop chronic bowel symptoms, such as diarrhea, constipation, cramps, etc. Sound familiar?
I wrote on another page about how certain kinds of infections can lead to IBS, but I wanted to cover this little beastie, because I think this is how I got irritable bowel syndrome.
What is a giardia infection?
A giardia infection is called giardiasis by doctors. It used to be called beaver fever, because it was believed that beavers were the transmitters of the disease.
As it turns out many animals can transmit a giardia infection (for instance, dogs can get it). Humans usually get it by drinking or otherwise swallowing contaminated water (like brushing your teeth with the water from a stream, like I did).
Giardiasis symptoms:
Many people can get the parasite and have no symtoms, for others, the symptoms usually show up after about two weeks.
The main symptoms of giardia are intense watery stool and bowel cramps, that can come and go for a few weeks. Here’s the full list of common symptoms:
Giardia symptom list:
A few days after hiking the beautiful trails, and being exposed to contaminated water, giardia diarrhea strikes!
© Can Stock PhotoWatery stool that may have a horrible smell
- Abdominal cramps
- Bloated belly
- Feeling tired (fatigue)
- Nausea
- Weight loss
Hmm. Those sound a lot like IBS symptoms. And yes giardia diarrhea smells particularly nasty. Sorry to mention it, but I thought you should know, if that’s what is happening to you.
How giardia leads to IBS:
This isn’t really known, but it is thought that, like other infections, giardia causes changes to the way the nerves of the bowels work. Somehow this leads to visceral hypersensitivity, bowel cramps, diarrhea, bowel spasms, trapped gas, and constipation.
In other words giardia can lead to chronic IBS symptoms.
Research into how it actually happens is ongoing.
Giardia treatment:
I never got my giardia diarrhea treated. I didn’t know how serious it was. Treatment is simple, and I’m sorry I didn’t have it. Don’t make my mistake.
The standard treatment for giardiasis is a prescription for antibiotic medicine. The commonly used antibiotic for this parasite is Metronidazole (I have no idea how to pronounce THAT :).
When to see a doctor:
If I were you, and I thought I had giardiasis, I’d seek treatment right away.
If you don’t have IBS, you might get it. And who knows, it might make your IBS worse if you already have it.
Whether you think you have a giardia infection or not, you shouldn’t go more than a week with the symptoms mentioned above (at least in my amateur opinion).
You can get dehydrated or have other complications.
Get help if you need it, even if it means talking about your bathroom problems!
What about you? did you ever have giardiasis?
Do you think it led to your IBS symptoms?
Let people know in the comments section below!
62 Replies to “What is Giardiasis? – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment”
Hi everyone, have any of you tried Betonite Clay for Giardia? I think I have Giardia (I have all the symptoms and thought I caught it from working on our septic tank-it flooded and then our water supply was cut off, so we couldn’t wash. I’ve done lots of research and Betonite Clay or Diatomaceous Earth seems to very a very effective treatment. Good luck everyone, xxx
WOW. thanks to everyone who has posted here for their comments. I was diagnosed with Giardia last Wednesday by a new Doctor as my old one couldn’t see me in the week before Christmas.(GRRRRRR) I took 2000mg of Metronidazole for three days and am hoping that I am on the mend. I was in India in October, and hadn’t felt right since my return, and got progressively worse and now see that I had all the Giardia symptoms.
My Mother developed IBS years ago, but I now wonder if she had a Guardia infection. Next time she has a bout of it, I will see if she can get a Guardia test to see if its actually another batch of the critters.
Will try to keep my diet simple in the hope my gut can regenerate.
thanks again for sharing.
I have had IBS all my adult life, and am now in my 60s. With every yearly exam, I would complain about the IBS to my primary physician as my #1 issue. Since I’ve moved a few times, I’ve changed physicans – but they all virtually had the same response to my complaint – that IBS is an emotional problem and that I should see a therapist but also eat more fiber. I read all I could about IBS, but that was before the internet. I started taking probiotics and eating organic yogurt – that helped somewhat. I did discover that the onion family and fat were a main source of my GI problems, although not completely. A few years ago, I eliminated wheat – and that more or less took care of it. Then this past year I had strange migratory arthritis, severe fatigue and other seemingly unrelated upsetting issues. Finally I saw a functional doctor & am paying out of pocket – very expensive. The test results from that visit show an unhealthy gut – unbalanced flora, a couple of yeast & unhealthy bacteria and Giardia! The deal with Giardia is I know I drank from mountain streams that had it (of course I didn’t know it at the time) because it was so posted. That was 40 years ago! I never suspected Giardia because I’ve read it clears up on its own after a couple weeks. I would never suspect decades. If this is a new infection, I have no idea from what. But the symptoms definitely match and did 40 years ago. So I’m pretty angry at myself & at the doctors who told me it was all emotional. Also turns out I’m deficient in several vitamins & minerals, including iron due to the Giardia. I’m figuring the darn parasite is very much at home in my body & I am doubtful I’ll be able to get rid of it.
Hi to everyone.Im 30 yeard old male.After 3 days of severe diarrhea,and i mean SEVERE (over 40 green watery diarrheas/day and about 100ml each time)i went to the hospital and i was checked about lots of microorganisms,and finally it was giardia that cause the problem…In 2 weeks i have lost 13kg and i feel so dammn weak.. Barely i can move my body around the house.I’ve been under I.V metronidazole about two days at the hospital,500mg/3 times/day,and now im taking metronidazole (flagyl) orally.I will stop it about 3 days from now(im already 7 days on it.Flagyl stopped my watery diarrhea,and now i go to the bathroom 2-3 times/day and my stools seems a lot like melted chocolate (it’s gross,im sorry).I don’t want to mention the side effects flagyl gave me …Anyone that have same symptoms or anyone with a dammn successful story? I guess no….
I too get the … its all in your head… response. They have read articles that say the brain rules the gut. However, some recent articles are saying the gut rules, or sends messages, TO the brain. So after ten years of ibs d, it could be my bowels are telling my brain that they have had enough pain etc. which is causing Anxiety. Strange, when not having ibs d flare up, I am not anxious. I have never had a dr. get my poop tested..
While not life threatening, it is life altering… currently I am using the dissolvable Imodium, which I find suits me better than the pills… I feel this cost should be covered by health insurance. I am a cancer survivor for thirty years and have other medical issues, so am not whining for nothing. My thoughts are with all who have to live with this.
Hi. I’ve suffered from ibs diarrhea for over 20 years. So commonly get runny stools cramps and stomach pain. I’m stress related not diet. However in last 6 weeks things changed after a holiday.
Felt Like I was dying. Could barely raise my arms. Slept for 4 hrs in middle of day (very unusual for me) vomiting. And oily vile smelling greenish poop. Had to endure a 4.5 flight back home. Usually my ibs meds stop me pooping… But not this time. 6 times unhad to go to the loo on the plane… passengers must have thought I had a season ticket for the loos!
Finally got drs appt. And samples tested.. took 10 days for the results . Given a weeks course of metro
Didn’t help. Symptoms didn’t go away. And was told to stop taking anti diarrhoea tablets too.. so was non stop to the loo again. Now currently 2nd longer course of metro.. And fatigue has stepped in again.
Cramps and stomach pains are growing again. Not sure how much longer this will go on for… did intention my job… I’m a coach driver… imagine having to constantly think can I make it to the see.. would the passengers think it’s strange to pull over and run to the loo at the back (It’s almost happened)
Will update u in a week if still same issues!
Hi Steve, I’ve had Giardiasis for about 10 years. All started from drinking water from a water filter. Long story. Went to see GP 2007 he didn’t know what it was. I usually try and fix myself. Anyway, to cut a long story short. Milk of Magnesia and grapefruit fixed it for me. It usually starts with violent unpleasant burping, then the diarrhoea, then the vomiting. When I can bear to drink or consume anything I say when I take the Milk of mag and grapefruit. First, 2 dessert spoonfuls of milk of mag. then eat approx half a tin of grapefruit, hats about 270 grams. It works for me. However, over the past 10 years I’ve had many reoccurrences and don’t know what sets it off. Good luck what can you loose but it could fix you for a short while anyway. B
Hi brenda
You still have giardia ?
I had giardia from last one year
Did you find any thing
My giardia always comes back when I’m highly stressed – it just lurks in my system until it gets an opportunity to return. I’ve discovered that drinking small amounts of undiluted raspberry syrup (5% raspberries, not the artificial kind) really helps clear it up.
I’m another case of gardia messing with the bowels. I lost 17kg in 9 days. Was tested and treated with antibiotics. Ever since then my system has been very sensitive and often have the squirts. I never used to have any intestinal issues beforehand.
I have my story to contribute. I was diagnosed with a Giardia infection in January 2015 after being very sick for more than a month with massive diarrhea, (foul-smelling and fatty), and cramps — starting with an episode of vomiting and horrible cramps and not ending for weeks. Was given a course of first Flagyl (which made me even sicker) and than tinizadole — which knocked out the Giardia but did not cure my symptoms. As soon as the Giardia was gone I developed a whopping case of IBS which I’ve had ever since. Irregular bowel movements — sometimes few in a day, sometimes 10 or 12 in 2 hours — not diarrhea — solid and usually hard — tenesmus, rectal prolapse, occasional incontinence. Tons of gassiness at night and upper abdominal pain and queasiness. Haven’t felt normal one day since the *#@ Giardia infection took hold. Anxiety. Loss of appetite. I’ve lost 20 lbs. I’ve tried probiotics, Align, Miralax, magnesium oxide — all made symptoms much worse or gave me diarrhea. The symptoms don’t seem to be related closely to what I’m eating. I eat a very healthy diet — no sugar, little fat, lots of vegetables, salads, rice, corn. They say it could be an acquired sensitivity to wheat gluten or dairy but my symptoms seem random and not related to what I’ve recently eaten. I am 69 years old and never had a single problem with my gut until I contracted the Giardia. I’m at my wit’s end that I’ll have to deal with this nightmare for the rest of my life.
Sorry to Karen, it’s a horrid bug. I had a similar experience years ago and currently battling blastocystis (same but different) and the autoimmune diet worked a treat for me – basically I only eat meat, fish, veg and fruit. Bugs can create leaky gut so repairing the gut is important. Corn is harsh and is considered an allergen to the leaky gut. You have to follow it strictly and give your tummy time to heal and then slowly reintroduce one food at a time. Also check for other parasites. All the best. Nic
Hi Karen,
I stumbled upon this feed when looking up Giardia related IBS. Your symptoms were similar to what I’ve experienced, especially the upper abdominal pain. So many doctors will say this bug doesn’t cause pain. I disagree. I was treated with antibiotics but my gut hasn’t been the same since! Abdominal discomfort, bloating, gassy feeling…..ugh!
Did your symptoms ever improve?
Hi, Shannon. It is now more than 2 1/2 years after the Giardia infection and my gut has basically not improved. I have chronic low-grade constipation (hard, lumpy stools), naggy abdominal pain and lots of gassiness, especially in the middle of the night. I am now sensitive to lactose and probably other foods that used to give me no problem at all. I think the Giardia and the antibiotics destroyed my gut flora and nerve connections and my system will never be normal again.
What is considered an early diagnosis for giardia ? A week after onset of symptoms ? Hoping I have caught it early enough with metronidazole to avoid all the symptoms of chronic IBS
This is amazing – I have long thought giardia was the cause of my problems but no doctor has ever confirmed this for me. I contracted giardia trekking the himalayas 20 years ago. At the time I was a vegan. Three rounds of antibiotics couldn’t treat it. Eventually, I contacted a tropical disease specialist in Nth Queensland and she told me to eat lots of red meat and get a strong dose of herbs from a herbalist she recommended. This did the trick. Multiple tests later and it had finally gone. She explained that giardia bugs eat your intestinal lining if you don’t eat meat. I can’t vouch for this being true. But ever since I have been lactose intolerant and about 10 years ago I became gluten intolerant. I have suffered IBS symptoms ever since, especially gallbladder area stinging pain where I think the giardia caused the most damage (endoscopy and many ultrasounds show nothing wrong with my gallbladder). The longest bout of IBS lasted two months and I lost 10 kg. I’m currently on another ‘flare’ but getting an endoscopy and colonoscopy just to be sure. For me it seems to get worse with age – probably more stress with work and less time to exercise. The problem with this condition is that it is so like many others, so it can be easy over the decades to become complacent. Its also left me prone to mild candida infections in the gut, so sugar is off the menu completely. The only way I can stay pain free is to eat very clean – avoiding hard to digest foods, processed fatty foods, dairy and gluten and limiting alcohol to red wine only but only while eating. I spend a fortune on vitamins – gelatine, L-glutamine, probiotics, vitamins, fish oil, turmeric, buscopan, and more. Sadly, I have never had the support of a doctor, nor has any doctor or specialist taken an interest in wanting to solve my pain/issues, only naturopaths who ‘get it’ but they are costly. It really sucks, but I count my blessing its nothing life threatening. Best of luck everyone.
After getting giardia new years eve 2014 and having the issues i have. I would say that yes, Giardia can lead to IBS. Doctors told me that I had gastroenteritis and that it would just “go away” but when all the symptoms persisted I self diagnosed and got the required medication which sorted out the giardisis promptly. But now steadily over the last 2 years my bowel is all sorts of messed up and shows every sign of IBS.
5 years ago I was infected with giardia. The infection was not treated for the first 2 years. Then I took multiple antibiotic courses and my stool antibody analyses (taken 2 times) and blood analysis showed that giardia is gone.
However, my gut dysbiosis is still untreated. I have mild constipation (I use magnesium to relieve it), bloating and my stool is usually green or dark green. I also have an occassional belching and heartburn. Those symptoms are not severe and aren’t bother me much in daily life.
The main problem that I have is insomnia and depression which progresses since I was infected. For the last year it has become more severe, and I have anhedonia, irritability and concentration problems now. I think its due to neurotransmitter imbalances and possible brain shrinkage that was caused by prolonged malabsorption and stress.
Last time I visited my gastroenterologist I got diagnosis: IBS with constipation. I took multiple courses of probiotics and prebiotics without success. However, it seems that I sleep better when I take probiotics with lactobacilus.
My stool test shows that I have very low lactobacilus level. Everything else is in optimal range. Candida is not found in the stool.
Recently I started to think that I may have small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). Anyone here tried to be tested for it?
I’m probably going to try some self-treatment options to my IBS. If anyone can give some suggestions about how to treat post-giardiasis IBS I will highly appreciate that.
Leonid i have the same issues like you, could you maby send me your email so we can talk about this and help eachother out?
Im 18 years old, i went on a vacation and got giardia. I thought it would go away on it’s own so i waited 3 months, after that i finally got treatment and it went away but MY WEIGHT LOSS IN MY BUTT AND THIGHS WONT STOP, i dont know what is going on, its been almost 7 months
Im 18 years old i had giardia while on vacation, I got treated 3 months after and everything was good BUT I’M STILL LOSING WEIGHT AND ONLY IN MY THIGHS AND BUTTOCKS. It’s been 6 months since treatment, i feel fine but i’m seeing the weight loss more and more. Can anyone help meout plez i dont know what to do
I had giardia 21 years ago, and so did two of my children. It was eliminated with antibiotics. 5 years later I started to get really ill – admitted to hospital, looked like UTI;s but not. 2 years later after lots of tests i was sent back to the GP who was helpful and said try to stop eating wheat. 2 weeks later i was better than I had been for years. Then 2 years later i bacame ill again – exhausted,etc but also in parallel (i thought) got sever artritis and could not bend my knee could not bend over to pick things up. This time GP said try cutting out dairy. After two weeks I was fine. That was ten years ago. I now know if i have dairy – flu symptoms, aching joints and artritis as well as stromach pains. Wheat gives me pains like gall stones as well as diarrhoeia. As a by product, I have no trouble with weight as long as I dont eat the “substitute” products full of fat and sugar that shops sell. Wheat free and dairy free for me means no bread or pasta just meat veg and fruit. I am one of the healthiest people i know.
I had GIARDIA for a few months. i had a course antibiotics and it didn’t go.. so i had another double dose double the length of time and i think it has gone. Although I was convinced it was back, i still had the bloated tummy, horrific smelling farts and loose stools albeit not as bad as before. you become scared to eat anything as the pain that follows is crippling.
After reading every page on the internet about giardia, i thought id give the lactose free diet a go. It has worked! my tummy is not looking 4 months preggers, my farts smell nice! haha. And I’m a lot more regular. Lactose is in a lot more foods than you think. Try it! I’m thrilled, hopefully it won’t be forever but while my intestine is recovering from what is a very traumatic illness I’m happy to keep it happy with a lactose free diet. Try it.
A lot of these comments are extremely dangerous. I have had ibs like symptoms for 2 years. Stool samples tested positive for giardia. I took a 3 day course of antibiotics. Morning after the first dose I had my breakfast. For the first time in 2 years I didn’t get acid reflux or heartburn afterwards. The day after I finished the course of antibiotics my loose, frequent stools immediately became firm, healthy stools passed once a day, my farts no longer smell foul and I feel awake again. I feel like I have been reborn.
I was infected with giardia when I was in the military. I was infected for over a year before finding out the problem and now I have IBS. Mostly episodes of both constipation then diarrhea.
I believe I caught Giardia from drinking water in a cabin in Colorado that said it was spring fed. The belching, bloating, diarrhea, cramping etc. went on for 5 years. My husband drank the same water but was fine. So much depends on your immune system at the time. Doctors just said I had irritable bowel. When I complained that I was doing everything they said with no improvement, they had no explanation except irritable bowel. I finally went to an integrative doctor who did more stool testing and the Giardia was found. I think a lot of damage was done in those 5 years. My symptoms were very similar to someone with Celiac disease which I did not have but it also damages the villi of the small intestine. I took massive doses of Metronidazole for double the length of time. I wanted that protozoa gone! Unfortunately, I have been left with many food intolerances and digestion issues to foods like dairy, gluten, fats, high fiber, and sugar. I actually did not lose weight with giardia but boy did I feel bad. The fatigue was unbelievable. I would have to rest on the couch in the middle of washing dishes. I could get up in the morning and want to go right back to bed which is not me at all. I am very active and like to run and ride horses. My giardia was treated in 2012 and the IBS type issues still persist. The severity of the cramping, diarrhea, constipation, and bloating varies. I may have a month that I have cramping diarrhea every morning and then it will subside for a few weeks. I may get constipated for a week or two and then return to relatively normal. My fatigue is gone along with the muscles aches and pains. I feel much better but have a bad feeling these GI issues will probably be a challenge the rest of my life. I did not have much luck with GI doctors listening to me but the Integrative doctors took the time to actually listen to my story. When I had the giardia I had 2 surgeries for endometrioma’s. The OB doc would tell me to go to GI and the GI would tell me to go to OB. My advice to someone trying to figure out symptoms is do as much research as you can, talk to lots of people, and get in with a good integrative doctor who will look at the whole picture of your health and not just try to stuff you in their box. Because if you don’t fit in their box, then you get no help or treatment. Doctors started treating me like I was crazy. When I had all this going on with giardia and endometriosis, I went to a doctor for a purplish area by my belly button that hurt and would come and go. The doctor wanted me to admit that I tried to pierce it. That purple spot ended up being endometriosis growing at my belly button which was biopsied during one of my surgeries. If a doctor treats you like this, then find another one. If this post can help one person out there, then it was worth typing.
I was exposed to Giardia during a visit to the Adirondacks in 1989. We stayed at a very old B&B that had well water and the property was on a mountainside near many streams. After returning home, within a few days, I developed sudden and explosive diarrhea. I went from perfectly normal to abnormal. I knew, from my visits to the Adirondacks, that “beaver fever” was well known to hikers, this was not some mysterious disease to me. But to all the physicians I saw it was as rare as a tropical disease.
Visits with physicians were frustrating as they were really “accusing” me of having IBD and claimed that I had probably had it since I was young. I stood firm and said no, I have never had a problem until this visit to the Adirondacks. The gastroenterologist I first saw refused to treat me with metrondiazole and gave me Metamucil instead. One gastroenterologist was willing to give me Donnatal for a long time. But I otherwise have really been treated very badly by the medical community.
That has been my story continually since then. My colonoscopies always show diverticulosis and the attending surgeons always admonish me to eat more fiber. I have always eaten a very healthy diet but I also have suffered for a very long time with problems. I am tired of being blamed for my illness.
Several years ago I developed left sided abdominal pain and reluctantly made a doctor’s appt. I saw the nurse practitioner. I was startled when she prescribed metrondiazole and another antibiotic! Within a few days I was feeling better than I had in many many years. I was unwilling to share all this history with her and just kept quiet about how “much better” I was. That single treatment made some permanent improvements in me, but not 100%. I knew for many years that metrondiazole would help me, but no one would prescribe it to me.
Now I read that Giardia is finally recognized as the most common associated condition for long term IBD. I am still leery of visiting any physician again because of the shame and embarrassment these visits cause. What should I do? That PA is no longer available to me. Are there any significant improvements that can be made now after this much time has elapsed? Should I just accept where I am with this now?
I’m one of those self treaters also. I did go to the doctor and was thrown in the IBS catch all. I felt strongly that it wasn’t IBS. Mine started after I had knee surgery. Standard symptoms of horribly smelly gas and loose bowel movements (the only advantage is I lost 10 pounds). After a year and half I came across an article about giardia and IBS. I felt that I’d rather just try a course of the medication rather than specialists, blood and fecal tests (I did get a colonoscopy, it was time) that would not necessarily show anything. Within 4 days I was better and stayed that way for 3 years! I did another course just recently. The symptoms slowly sneaked up on me until I was getting completely embarrassed about the smells I was exuding. Again, within 4 days I was completely better. I’ve told other friends about it but until doctor’s stop throwing everyone into IBS without confirmed diagnoses of possible other pathogens then people will suffer. I’m back to eating my beans, broccoli, cabbage, milk and all the other gas makers without making my family want to kick me out the door :) (I have dogs who play in streams and I garden and sometimes eat raw meat but not as much as I did). Good luck to anyone who is looking for something other than the IBS catchall.
Hi everyone, have any of you tried Betonite Clay for Giardia? I think I have Giardia (I have all the symptoms and thought I caught it from working on our septic tank-it flooded and then our water supply was cut off, so we couldn’t wash. I’ve done lots of research and Betonite Clay or Diatomaceous Earth seems to very a very effective treatment. Good luck everyone, xxx
I had giardia from a lake trip, Iwas on Flagyl for several months bc i kept testing positive for Giardia. Ever since my stomach has been a living nightmare. Burping, belching, horrible smelling gas, loose yellow stool or diarhea. Major indigestion, and heartburn. Headaches and extreme fatique. I’m an otherwise heathly 27 y/o male. I’ve developed all kinds of allergies and have a lot of inflamation throughout my body. After living with the stomach problems now for a few years, now all my joints and muscles are causing me problems.
I had a litter of puppies 5 years ago and they had Giardia. I kept one of the puppies and for the past year, I had all of the symptoms described for this parasite. I remember that the vet told me it’s often a false negative, but the oily, smelly stool was the give away. Treatment included metronidazole (aka Flagyl). After having food poisoning several times, and constant cramping in my lower abdomen, I decided to self medicate. Flagyl is available over the counter in Canada, and not too costly. I took it and was much improved. I recently had some oral surgery that was treated with Ampicillin and prednisone. For the first time in a VERY LONG time, my bowels are working as they should, normally! If they doctors can’t find it, they aren’t going to treat it! I decided that it was worth a try, and it worked for me.
I think iv got giardia, i have been suffering nearly three months and my doctor does not keep on top of test and symptoms. Im getting far worse as time goes on. My mouth is pure ulcered as my gut n bowel are , i also have a duodenal ulcer and is effecting me more with this infection. The more i read on this infection the more i dread trying get shut of it. I have 2 cats and 1 dog, my cats
Are not behaving the usual , 1 kind of loose pale ugly smelling poo and the other cat awful smelling poo and constantly hungry omg
hi my son who is 4 was diagnosed and treated for giardia when he was 2 , he’d unfortunately had it approx 6 months before getting treated :( he has has consistent diarea since , he cant control his bowels and I am reconsidering whether to put him into kindy next year as he isnt toilet trained and ofen nervousness and stress make him more vulnerable and frequent in passing diarea. the other thing that I cant seem to find many cases of are that in every poo sample I have done (at least 7 since he had giardia) other common bacteria shows positive (eg so he has had another 4 antibiotic treatments for blastocystis and others I cant pronounce) we are now at the point of changing to a different antibiotic as he has had metrizinole too many times :( although the giardia has not returned we have no doubt that this terrible disease has caused this chain of reactions and nothing gets better or easier for him. after a few elimimation diets, we are now gluten free, although it cant return him to normal it certainly helps, we stay home most the time as this is where he feels most comfortable. I hate that I cant take this away for him and let him live a normal life that every 4 year old deserves, I will never give up fighting for my baby boy ..
thinking of you and your son
I have no idea where I got my giardia infection. But I had severe diarrhea for over a month (started in late feb. until April when I was treated) and many visits to the doctor with many stool samples, but no answers. I literally couldn’t leave the bathroom. My husband had to stay home from work to take care of our son who was 8 months old at the time. At one point, I went to the ER and the doctor gave me a super strong version of immodium because he just figured I had a viral gastroenteritis infection that would pass in 10-14 days. That little pill worked great! But then I ran out. And I was back to where I started. My doctor finally acted on a hunch. She thought maybe I had giardia because she had just treated a 10 yr old boy for it so it was on her mind. It was never confirmed by stool sample but she gave me the drug anyways. Within 48 hrs, I was feeling much better and by the end of the medication I wasn’t living in the bathroom anymore and could leave the house. But now I’m left with ongoing digestive problems. I still gave loose stools every day (1-5x per day), some cramping, lactose, caffeine and alcohol intolerance. I don’t absorb anything that I eat. It’s really discouraging. I would give anything to be constipated for a few days haha. I am currently taking a probiotic and some glutamine stuff from my naturopath. So far nothing is helping. The doctor did tell me that it can take many years for bowels to return to normal after a giardia infection. Now I’m just trying to figure out how to cope with it I guess
Hi I have had giardia and cured it but also got reinefected again. This parasite is a nightmare to shift. I do not believe in IBS that’s just a fancy made up name for Irritable bowel syndrome. Can I say if you catch pinworms you take Ovex but it will only kill the worms not the eggs, so it is recommended to take another dose 2 weeks later to kill the hatching eggs.
Most people take Metronidazole for 7 days, I believe that the remaining cysts that metro does not kill, just hatch out and it all starts up again. I would say giardia works on the same system as pinworms. So taking another dose could possibly kill the remaining cysts when they hatch out. Finding out the circle of hatching would help so you know when to take the second dose.
You can take 7 days of metronidazole and on the 8th day take pure OptiMSM flakes in water each day, you need to stay on it to remove any cysts buried in the small intestines in stomach lining. They can remain in there for years I read before hatching out. I have told quite a few people who have said they have giardia about using OptiMSM and they have come back to me saying all symptoms have gone.
I buy mine from http://www.planetmsm.co.uk because it is the genuine pure OPTIMSM by Bergstrom. You can take Allicinmax capsules one a day to kill bad bacteria, you can buy them off the net or Boots online in uk.
When I cured giardia I felt back to normal no after effects and I was clear for a year! So I do not believe in all this after IBS, I think the parasite is still there. How can doctors say after treatment oh your test is nagative now, you are cured. You can not reply on these test results, you can get a nagative but still have giardia, so no way can they say you are clear by a test after medication and be 100% correct, these tests are so hit and miss, so they can only guess or hope by saying you are clear. or they then just say IBS. I believe if you still have symptoms you could still well have the giardia. Nothing to date kills these cysts inside you, they can only kill the parasite.
My advice would be take the Optimsm and stay on it until all symptoms are gone and if the symptoms return go back on it.
Scroll down this website to parasites and read the uses of MSM
There are no guarantees on anything, you can only try these things and see if they work for you. I am not a doctor but I have experience of this horrible parasite and it is not good. My son had 6 faeces tests for giardia and all were negative, the doctors told him you DO NOT have giardia it was all in his head, 7th test came back positive. He suffered years all kind of tests they gave him pipe down his throat and samples taken were clear you DO NOT have giardia. A vet told me she goes by symptoms because these tests are so unreliable as they only take a small part of the faeces and test it, so by not doing the whole sample these cysts can be missed as they are also intermittent shedding, so could be in one sample but not another.
Cut sugar out, high fibre low carbs, cut out junk food, eat healthy fresh green veg and chicken or meats. Drink plenty (bottle water) can add fresh lemon to it as high in vit’C’ lemons act as stomach acid, so if low on stomach acid can cause you not to get rid of parasites and stomach bloat (read up on low stomache acid) Take a good powdered probiotic eat plenty of organic yogurts no added sugar natural bio yorgurts. A good vitamin & mineral per day. You must build up your immune system. Fresh coconuts give your body a boost and contain MCFA which is only found in mother milk and this kill giardia.
I hope this helps you!
I was infected with Giardia in Chile while in early stages of pregnancy. My ob/gyn sent me to see an infectious specialist who thought it best not to treat me because of the pregnancy. “In 6 months time it will be out of your system anyway.” Testing after 6 months indeed showed that I was no longer infected but in the 6 years since I have developed IBS, Chronic Fatigue, and Fibromyalgia (in that order). I have suffered unrelenting fatigue and pain. Had to be on disability for 2 years, and then willed myself back to work part time, while still struggling with symptoms. I am fat, lactose, fructose, and carbohydrate intolerant. The FODMAP diet helps control the gas and bloating associated with the intolerances. Digestive enzymes and bile salts taken with meals also helps. I recently came across a very good website http://www.badgut.org/information-centre/irritable-bowel-syndrome.html that I feel accurately describes IBS, and provides a comprehensive list of lifestyle and treatment options based on the results of research trials, including diet, physiotherapy, probiotics, and medications to resolve gut motility problems. I am hopeful that this regime will help improve my condition.
This is an excellent resource Barbara. Thanks!
My son was 16 when he caught Giardia in a cold Texas lake while in a class trying to get scuba certified. It was several months later when a doctor finally caught it and eradicated it with homeopathy. During that time, he developed stomach issues, lung issues, and allergies to wheat, corn, and dairy. It’s 2 1/2 years later and he is hoping to go away to college in a couple months. We have gotten used to the food changes, but the fatigue is still a big issue. It’s terrible and we don’t know what to do to make him better. Any ideas?
Hi Laura, I am not a big believer in homeopathy. Naturopathy yes. I would take him to a regular doctor (I like osteopaths). There are treatments for persistent giardia infections. I hope it helps.
I visit Zambia 4 times a year…Iam from UK I had Giardia 5 times in one year and it was Chronic..I started taking MSM along with Allicin tablets..and I was Giardia free for over a year..seemingly the MSM puts a coating on your intestine which makes it slippy therefore the cysts..which have small suction cups at the end of their feet are unable to stick to yr intestine and get flushed out…anyway I now have IBS have tablets for that and have to get endoscope as bloods and stool samples came back clear…glad I saw this link on the Topix Forum that I joined when I got Giardia…. It all makes sense. Thankyou.
My son, who was 2, caught giardia after going to the London to the winter wonderland in Hyde Park. He was eating some food and fell over on some soggy food wearing his gloves, He refused to take his gloves off and carried on eating. The next day he was throwing up, his belly was bloated, he was getting belly cramps and this carried on for 3 – 4 months. We took him to various Drs explaining what had happened and that we thought that that was the trigger. They all told us that it was highly unlikely. He developed a dairy and gluten intolerance, lost confidence in eating because every time he ate he was sick and lost a lot of weight. Thankfully we saw a consultant who asked us what we thought was wrong with him and listened to us and treated him with some powerful antibiotics that wiped out all of the bacteria in his gut. We were told it would take a year for him to get better. We have been back to the Dr a few more times this year because our son had started getting belly cramps and have been told there’s a chance he’s either got IBS or abdominal migraines. I, personally, think it’s most likely IBS. I really feel for him being so young and having something like this, be it ibs or the abdominal migraine, that can at times be debilitating. I am also furious with the Drs for not having listened to me and for not having taken a stool sample to test for this. I did request one but was told that I was not a Dr and to let them do their job. Giardia is absolutely horrible and I just wish that Drs would make this a routine test when people come to them. It can make a big difference if it is caught early. The ironic thing about when my son fell on the dirt was that my sister was laughing at me because I was stressed because I’d left my hand gel at home, not sure if it would’ve made a difference but can’t help wondering..
That is HORRIBLE! There is NO pain like watching your child suffer.
First let me say that I’ve looked into this, and it seems that alcohol based hand sanitizer would NOT have helped against Giardia has an outer shell that protects it from a lot of things.
Did the consultant or anyone ever test for giardia??? You don’t mention it.
The reason I ask is because (I’ve read) that giardia symptoms don’t show up until at LEAST 5 days after exposure. So while your son may have had giardia, it likely wouldn’t be from the glove incident. I got that info here : http://health.utah.gov/epi/fact_sheets/giardia.html
As far as still being sick, I wonder if the the powerful antibiotics you mentioned wiped out important bacteria that your son needs for a healthy gut, or if the original problem (giardia or not) still remains to a lesser degree.
I talk a bit about helpful bacteria on the page.
I’m looking more into the many kinds of bacteria in a healthy gut, and I hope to have more info on that soon.
I hope something here helps you find some answers. – Shawn
Hi, I am just wondering how is your son doing? My 2 year old daughter got this bug from day care. I got it later on from my daughter since them my and my daughter stomach neve returned to the normal.
My daughter sinc then have loos stool with undugested food in stool as well losted weight. She also slowed dow with her development.
Also developed food sensitivity. I recently stop working as I can not keep enything down.
It just break my heart to see my daughter suffer like this.
I was infected with Giardia about a year and a half ago in Guatemala. I think I only had it for a few weeks but the symptoms were chronic, I have never felt so ill.
Since then I have a really low tolerance for alcohol, even a little makes me so sick the next day. Do you think it could be connected?
I do think so. I’m biased because of my own experience, and don’t have science to prove it, but yes I think that alcohol and other bowel sensitivities can start after such an intestinal trauma.
I got giardia a year and a half ago, it showed up in stool tests. Majority of my symptoms remain nausia, ill feeling gets to me the most never really had diarrhoea from it which puzzled the docs. Had for a few month before treatment. Stools, duodenal biopsy are negative now. Hope I get better in time. Also suffer from fatigue and burning skin which developed slowly after infection just hoping doesn’t get any worse.
Alex, I sincerely hope things don’t get any worse too. If the giardia is gone, hopefully things won’t get any worse. I believe some people develop problems with foods after a gut infection. Is it possible that you have something like that going on? I have a page here about . And there is also info called . Maybe there are clues there you can use.
Thanks for letting other people know about your experiences. May you get well soon! – Shawn
I caught Giardia in Rome. I had it for a year and developed IBS-D and food allergies. I have been taking Triphalla and it seems to have really helped. It is suppose to help your body heal its entire Bowel system. I would also look into candida overgrouth as it can flourish in a giardia enviroment. I am hoping to clear up my food allergies as they seem to be what is now triggering my IBS.
Thanks for the insight and info Misti!
What is triphalla?
I got Giardia in 2009 in India, I carried it for about 6 months before diagnosis (mainly due to UK doctors being very disinterested). I dont experience extreme IBS symptoms, but it comes in bouts, not particularly painful, just uncomfortable and inconvenient. I think that these bouts do seem to relate to moments of emotional stress, changes (like moving house – as i am doing now…)
This research sounds interesting! Could also be worth experimenting with reducing Lactose. Are there any other foods or things that are suggested to cause OR aid IBS symptoms?
While I’m not a medical proffessional, or even a dietician, I HAVE read in lots of places that stress can set off IBS.
If I were you, I’d seriously consider a food diary to see if there is a connection between something you’ve eaten and bowel trouble. I’ve read about all kinds of foods that can trigger IBS, so giving you a few in a list won’t help. It depends on YOUR system. Please see the food elimination diet page.
I’ve read that it can take a few days for foods to cause problems, so looking back over the last few days, may be worth something. If your ready to take it to the next level, I’d consider a naturopathic doctor and/or dietician. They can usually help you find foods that may be giving you trouble. All the best, and good luck! Shawn
I too had Guardia twice while in India, and have noticed strange digestive issues similar to yours in the years following, particularly when stressed or emotional. Recently, I have been trying to follow a low FODMAP diet because I think I may have fructose malabsorption (linked with IBS). Even after cutting out high-fructose foods such as onions, apples, coconut milk, and honey for just a few days, I’m feeling so much better.
I had ibs most of my life. For some reason it stopped about 12 years ago. After a recent bout of giardia it has returned. I was treated for the giardia and those test are now showing neg for the bug. I am not looking forward to ibs again or being told to just eat more fiber and it should clear up. I hope the treatments for ibs have improved.
THAT SUCKS. After 12 years, you’d think a person would be safe. I can’t say I’ve seen many improvements in care, but that’s just from the outside looking in. Maybe the doctors have something up their sleeves. So far I haven’t seen much of that though. That doesn’t mean you can’t find the right person to get you fixed up! Good luck! – Shawn
I got chronic giardia and had it for like 2 years before treatment. It’s been 8 months after treatment and my bowels are still messed up. I had O&P samples tested at 3 & 6 months that were negative after treatment so it looks like my system is damaged. I guess only time will tell if it returns to normal.
I think I got it simply by wiping my hand across my mouth after getting it wet by playing fetch in a stream with my dogs.
Something so small, you can’t see it. In a passing droplet of water. And yet all the misery this can cause. I hope time is kind, and you get some relief.
Six years ago I got guardian from grand daughter who most likely caught it kindergarten. I have been lactose intolerant ever since but not the child. I have ibd symptoms and am convinced that it damaged the villi and ability to make many enzymes. I am now 18 pounds underweight and also developed allergies. Albendazole is better to take according to the doctor. Tests did not prove giardia. It is gard to see in tests. I also had cdiff which can also damage the colon and some similar symptoms. Anyone’ if you think you might have this evil parasite get help asap. There is now some report Online of guardian not getting better due to mala sorption of oral mess and treatment needed by iv.
I was treated for a giardia infection 20 years ago at the age of 6. Ever since, I have had chronic IBS. 20 years later and it persists!
My son and I had giardia, probably from the baby pool of our neighborhood pool. We both have stomach issues often. We were treated for giardia at the time, yet we still suffer ongoing stomach problems after eating. Bloating, discomfort, diarrhea. Can we be retreated with the antibiotic?
I would think the first thing to do is to check for a giardia infection. Your doctor would have to decide if antibiotics are required. Sorry I couldn’t answer you question one way or the other.