Wheat Sensitivity
Or Death by Bagel…

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The words wheat sensitivity seem pretty harmless. But this common food intolerance can cause you all kinds of grief.
Studies show that as many as 1 out of 100 people become VERY SICK from eating wheat products… And that’s just people that have celiac sprue disease (see below).
Because people can have a sensitivity to wheat even without celiac sprue, the number of people that are wheat intolerant could be much higher!
Symptoms of wheat intolerance or sensitivity:

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Here are the most common symptoms caused by wheat sensitivity. You may not have them all.
- Bloating
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Skin problems (dermatitis herpetiformis)
- Pale, foul-smelling stool
- Fatty stool (steatorrhea)
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Joint pain
- Chronic fatigue
- Weight loss
- Iron deficiency (anemia)
- Malnutrition
- Tingling in the hands and feet
- Fertility problems and missed periods
- Canker sores in the mouth
And all the symptoms of IBS!
In other words the complete destruction of your health.
So what is celiac sprue?

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Celiac sprue is just one form of wheat sensitivity. It affects 1 out of 133 people in United States and 1 out of 100 people in Europe.
Celiac sprue is an autoimmune disease which is triggered by a protein in wheat (and other grains) called gluten. The body attacks itself trying to get rid of the gluten and damages your intestines in the process. That can cause the symptoms listed above. More about that at the celiac sprue page.
It takes an average of 11 years of misery before a person with celiac sprue finds the true cause of his or her illness.
Other possible reasons for a wheat sensitivity…
Got hayfever?
In a recent study at Rush University Medical Center, people who reported having hay fever, eczema or asthma were three times more likely to have IBS.
That’s not crazy is it? Hay fever is an allergy to grass. Wheat is a form of grass. If people can be sensitive to grass, why can’t they be sensitive to wheat?
How to find out if you have a wheat sensitivity…
Some forms of wheat sensitivity are easier to figure out than others.
For celiac sprue or a wheat allergy, the doctor can do a blood test. He or she can look for antibodies that are common in people that have celiac sprue or wheat allergies (antibodies are part of the immune system).
There is a also a skin test where the doctor or nurse pricks a small amount of purified wheat proteins and allergens into your skin. Then they wait about 15 minutes to see if you get a small itchy rash at that spot. If you have an allergic reaction, you probably have a wheat allergy.
The doctor can also take a biopsy of your intestines (use your imagination as to how they get that ;)). This small sample of bowel is checked for damage caused by celiac sprue.
These tests can help the doctor find out if wheat (or some other food) is making you sick.
What if the tests come back negative?
It’s possible to have a wheat sensitivity that doesn’t show up on the blood or skin tests. You can have a wheat intolerance or sensitivity that doesn’t cause damage to your intestines. Without these clues, it gets harder to be sure if a wheat sensitivity is the problem.
My gastroenterologist did all these tests, and found nothing. But using a food elimination diet, I found out that wheat was making me really sick!
If after all that it turns out you DON’T have a wheat sensitivity, then rejoice, because…
If the tests come back positive… :(

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Or a food intolerance test indicates you have a wheat sensitivity… Well… Life goes on.
But it takes some getting used to.
Wheat is hard to avoid in a western style diet. Hopefully your doctor will recommend a dietitian. A dietitian can help you find alternative foods to eat and help you develop a healthy wheat free or gluten free diet.
The good news is, there are WAY more gluten and wheat free foods now than even a few years ago.
That being said, here are some of the foods you’ll need to avoid or find substitutes for:
- Bread
- Wheat or white flour
- Pizza
- Bagels
- Muffins
- Most cookies and crackers
- Spaghetti and other pasta
You’ll have to be a label checker, and probably a book reader. Wheat and/or gluten is hidden in all kinds of foods.
If it turns out you have celiac sprue or some kind of gluten intolerance, you will also need to avoid wheat, barley, and rye. These grains have a similar gluten in them.
Celiac sprue and gluten are HUGE topics I’ll be covering on other pages (coming soon).
Living with a wheat sensitivity…
If you have some kind of wheat intolerance, you may be feeling angry or sad about it. That’s how I felt.
But feeling healthy is SO much better than eating muffins, or even pizza (there are wheat free versions of both by the way). It DOES take a while to get used to this. But it’s REALLY worth it. For more about that, see my hope for IBS page.
More info:
Find out more about food intolerance.
Do you need a food elimination diet?
Is lactose intolerance your problem?
Back to the homepage.
79 Replies to “Wheat Sensitivity”
This sounds correct, according to my experience.
In 2016 my depression, anxiety, abdominal pains, and other physical pains worsened so miserably.
Along the line I paid more attention to patterns and thought it was weird that most problems came after eating food, especially my ongoing and very painful facial cramps.
Turns out I don’t do well with many ingredients, wheat being among those the most harmful to me.
I got a gluten allergy test done at some point, and I came back negative on it, but my doctor said such tests aren’t always accurate and don’t mean that someone doesn’t have a bad response to gluten.
San Antonio, TX
Thanks for the article. I am suffering from sinus congestion, excess mucus,migraines, vomiting and diarrhea. I get deathly ill. I think it is more than just environmental allergies. I going to try and eliminate wheat also. Anyone else have these symptoms? Especially congestion?
Shawn, Thank you for this web site and the opportunity to share my story with you and others who maybe experiencing a wheat and glutin sensitivity. I have work in the food service business for over 25 years. Durning the 25 years we did not use a lot of wheat or glutin in the food. ( I cannot share which food indistry) I retired in 2010. I went back to work this year as a sub after being out of food service for 5 years and I notice that everything was wheat and glutin right down to the season that is used to seasoning the food. I did not pay much attention to it at first. I had lunch every day with the staff eating the food and would notice from time to time that I would get dizzy. I was always bloated for years and so I did pay that much attention either. After about a month into the job and eating the food regularly, on January 27, I had a bad flair up that sent me to the emergency room. My blood pressure was 201/102/92. Anxiety had taken over,tingling in my hand and foot at night, joint pain, rapid heart beat, blood pressure out of control, anemia, bloated more than normal and acide reflux. I was put on 40 mg on blood pressure medicine per day and 5 mg at night. I was already on 20 mg. I kept telling my children that I notice a change when i went back to work. I started to notice that everytime I ate on the job that I would have this problem. Every day I would have a flair up with the BP and axienty attachs that would keep the blood pressure up All of thee above went on for about 40 days.. I started to notice that after eating a certain grain, honey bun, cookie, my heart would start beating fast. I saw my doctor on yesterday 3/10/14 and she please with my blood pressure and has taken me off of the evening medication and I am back down to only 20 mg a day and I am looking to get off of all my meds. I was informed that it will take the glutin 10 days to get out of my system. From the onset of this new allergy, I started watching what I eat, I have lost 8 lbs, my wheat belly starting to go down and I feel so much better. I am not getting as dizzy, but I guess once all the glutin is out of my system in the next 10 day, the dizziness will go completely away too. Idon’t mind the new way of eating, in fact I had started 5 years ago monitoring my food to healthy choices, this will only help me to reach and stay on my goal. Thanks again for letting me share on this website, I hope this information will be very helpful to someone.
Blessings Always
Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Your symptoms sound so similar to what has been going on with me – anxiety attacks, anemia, dizziness. I believe that I have a gluten sensitivity and am going to cut it out thanks to your story. I’m glad you are on the road to recovery and I wish you great health.
Hello, My husband always has Diarrher..almost everytime we eat anything out. He is really bloated…all the time, we have been together 10 years, he is 52. He just had his first colonoscopy in Oct, they founf a benign Carcinoid tumor. He has joint pain, grts sores in his mouth..wich we have linked to anxiety….He is a competitive bodybuilder, when it gets close to show time….3 monyhs out. He gets rid of almost all carbs and fat…no sugar either. His gut goes way down! people do a double take..since it is usually pretty big. After reading on your website, I am putting him on this wheat free diet. Will let you know how it goes. He goes for another biopsy in Jan, I will have the Dr take the test for Celiac then. THX!
I was curious if you ever thought of changing the page layout of your blog?
Its very well written; I love what youve got to say.
But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better.
Youve got an awful lot of text for only having
one or 2 images. Maybe you could space it out better?
Hello Shawn,
My daughters have recommended your website. One is pretty certain she is allergic to wheat, gluten, possibly corn and dairy, and is eliminating these foods one at a time until she finds out. So far, she is feeling better. The other daughter is becoming more aware of it too and may do the same.
I wanted to ask you if you have ever had anyone comment that red dye could be a culprit as well? Or Tylenol? Eight years ago I was plagued by explosive diarrhea, nausea, vomiting every day, and Gerd, and lost 60 lbs. in just a few months from illness.
My doctor said to avoid the extra strength Tylenol to see if the red dye could be causing the symptoms? I tried the Tylenol without red coloring and still had problems. I also was taking Percocet, which is Tylenol based prescription pain med. My doctor switched me to pain meds that aren’t Tylenol based and the vomiting and explosive diarrhea seemed to ease off. Of course they also have side effects but different. So I’ve avoided those Tylenol based pain meds for several years. I do have problems taking some medicines and especially generics, which sometimes causes me definite allergic reactions. This is something else that folks should be aware of.
I feel so sorry for anyone with IBS because of my own bouts with it for years. I couldn’t eat out and try to shop or walk afterwards without rushing to a restroom and having to clean down the stall and floor in several places. I gave up shopping or walking after eating out. IBS not only makes you feel miserable but it robs you of doing the things you used to enjoy. I felt like a hermit and sure didn’t want to tell anyone what was going on.
This summer I’ve been on different pain meds and ended up in the hospital for two days due to dehydration from so much vomiting. My doctor thinks it was related to pain meds and took me off of all my meds to see if it helped. I still had problems for awhile and was barely eating anything or drinking. Other symptoms were exhaustion, dizziness and nausea. I did have itchy ears so it has been interesting to read that others experienced that too.
Some days all I ate was a stick of cheese and saltine crackers, or maybe a bowl of Cheerios. Maybe not the best thing?
I am very glad to have read all of your comments and the responses from those having such miserable symptoms. I hope they have found the right path to eating right and feeling better. I’m starting to read about allergies to food and meds.
I just thought it important that people also be aware that some meds and fillers in some of them can also cause really bad stomach problems, allergic reactions, and explosive diarrhea.
I will be checking your site out more often and I put it in “Favorites” on my tool bar. I don’t eat much bread, pasta or cereal anyway, but I will certainly make myself more aware. Wheat/gluten is used in things you would never expect either.
With having daughters ask me all of the time if I’ve been tested for wheat or gluten allergies yet, it’s kind of hard to ignore. I’ll have to ask.
Thanks for keeping your site up. When I started reading this site the older dates came up first and I thought, “Oh No” it isn’t active anymore. I stuck with it though and read up to date. Thanks for staying active. I think more people are becoming aware of wheat/gluten allergies every day. Just question those meds as well.
Best Wishes to You. Thanks for listening.
I went to a Nutritionist and was tested with on a MSAS machine. It showed that I had a sensitivity to wheat. Even tho I had not noticed any symptoms I opted to try a wheat free diet. I have only been wheat free 5 days. I haven’t noticed any changes (yet). I have however put on a fair amount of weight in the last 4yrs.
I do eat quick cooking quaker oats for breakfast and read the ingredients that say “may contain wheat”. I realize that it may be due to the process (cross contamination) and that it may be small traces of wheat. I feel very committed to going wheat free and was wondering if those small traces will make a difference to both my weight loss goal and the sensitivity (that I haven’t noticed on wheat products)? Other than the quaker oats i’ve been doing great with wheat free choices!
Hello Angie, This is just my opinion, but I don’t think eating oats is a problem. There has been controversy for years about it. It ends up being a cross contamination issue, like you said. They have to put that on their oats, to avoid getting sued by someone. I believe this is a non-issue from what you’ve told me. If oats don’t give you belly trouble, I say EAT UP!
Well i will be going for a complete physical next thursday. feeling so scared of this diagnoses because it seems that i will not have much to eat. i basically ticked off all the symptoms. especially the exhaustion. i feel like the tiredness is coming from my core. it is so depressing to want to sleep all the time. any suggestions on how to better cope with all this?
Sorry for getting back to you so late Nikki. I often only get to check messages once a week or so. Please DON’T give up hope. If you find out you can’t eat some foods, there are others. It’s hard, but I’ve found it’s better to be (almost) symptom free, and give up some foods. Many of the things I’ve given up weren’t very good for me anyway.
If you find out you have a food sensitivity, there is a chance that cutting out that food will really help with the tiredness. Feeling the way you describe is also sometimes associated with abdominal pain. I have a page about that here : . Allergies (like hay fever, and probably some food allergies) can make a person feel tired.
I think you’re doing the right thing by getting the tests. I sincerely hope you find something that helps, and that isn’t TOO difficult.
All the best – Shawn
Wow! I loved reading all of your comments. It helps me to realize I am not alone. I have not been able to work for 7 weeks because of terrible vertigo/dizziness. I am in rehabilitation for the vertigo but the therapist made a remark regarding how complex my vertigo seemed. That was a red flag to me and I started researching my symptoms. The sensitivity to wheat seemed to match my other symptoms, so I am trying an elimination diet. My vertigo already seems better. I had a rash/itching in both my ears but it is now gone too. I still have the ringing in both ears but am hoping and praying it will eventually go away.(I have read it could be permanent if you have done damage to the cerebellum from the ongoing sensitivity) I have been diagnosed with IBS and a sugar imbalance which can be caused from such intolerances. I had cheerios the other day as a snack and my reaction was horrendous. Rapid heartbeat, lowered blood pressure, disoriented, heightened vertigo, pains in stomach etc. The box said it “may” contain wheat. Now I am looking at all grains. Is it possible to be sensitive to all grains..even corn? I did break out in hives from eating corn on the cob at one time, but had no trouble eating just “one” piece this summer. If you do have an intolerance to wheat, corn etc., will it “always” show up on the allergy testing? Should I go to an “allergist” to have the skin testing? Can they test for a gluten allergy, as I am not sure if it is grain or gluten or both?
Hi DE-DE, I’m glad you’re getting relief for some of your symptoms! I’m a fan of the elimination diet route, though.
I don’t know much about the sugar imbalance as a result of a food sensitivity, but I’m pretty sure that cheerios turn to “blood sugar” pretty quickly. Maybe that’s what’s happening?
As far as your question about being allergic to “all grains”, sure, that’s possible. People DO have corn allergies and probably sensitivities. As far as wheat is concerned, many people are sensitive to the gluten in wheat. Gluten is also found in other grains, like rye and barley. Sometimes there is contamination during growing or processing other grains as well, which may explain the Cheerios warning.
From what I’ve read, foods DON’T always show up on an allergy screening. I’ve also read that if you stop eating a food for a while before the test, it can come up negative, because you body stops producing the antibodies for that food.
Also, some people seem to be sensitive to foods without having an “allergic” response.
I hope it helps! – Shawn
My son tested positive for wheat, eggs, and milk allergies 2 years ago. We were overwhelmed and at a loss as to how to eliminate all 3 for a 9 year old boy. We both just wanted to cry and just gave up even trying after about 2 weeks, thinking “he seems okay, it can’t be that bad of an allergy.” But for 2 years he has had these itchy blisters on the back of his neck that I did not know were related to wheat. Every time one would clear up, another would appear. I don’t look at his bottom very often with him being 11 now, so I had no idea he had so many there. The doctor had seen it when we went for the allergy test and said it could be caused by a wheat allergy but somehow it didn’t register at the time. We had not gotten the results of the allergy test yet. I was in denial I guess. I came across a list of symptoms for wheat allergy that mentioned this type of rash, including the spots on the back of the head and neck, and it reminded me of the trip to the doctor. So we experimented with going wheat free this past week and the rash is almost gone in just 5 days! Plan to see how he does just eliminating wheat and then consider eliminating eggs and milk as well. We live in the country with the nearest health food store 75 miles away, but a local grocery store started carrying a small section of organic products and I was surprised to see so many wheat free items…waffles, crackers, cookies, pizza, frozen meals he heats and puts in a thermos to take to school for lunch. It really has been a lot easier than I thought it would be with all these products that say “Gluten Free” now! Just wanted to share in the hopes that this will help someone else struggling with similar issues.
Thanks Ali,
Your struggle, and your success will surely inspire others. It inspires me! – Shawn.
I’ve checked in on this site in the past and it’s been very helpful. My only major issue with wheat sensitivity has been skin rashes. My other symptoms like fatigue and joint pain and chest pain all went away fairly quickly after going gluten-free. The skin rash has been the worst and do not disappear right away. They can be extremely itchy and painful but for those of you who have these do not despair! They do eventually go away. I kind of fell off the gluten-free wagon over the holidays and I sure paid for it in January with the rashes coming back with a vengeance. They are just now starting to subside. Just a reminder to me to keep clean with the diet even when feeling good. Wheat Belly is a good book also the Paleo Diet books were helpful. Thanks for the site! It’s a nice place to check in.
Thanks Patty, and thanks for checking in. It’s good to hear YOUR story of hope, and your warning about falling off the wagon.
I’m going to be looking into “Wheat Belly” I’ve read the reviews, and it looks fascinating. I’m a big believer in the paleodiet, but I don’t like veggies much, and ended up losing TOO MUCH WEIGHT! I look forward to your comments in the future Patty. – Shawn
Reading everyone’s stories of pain and sickness makes me sad but the Big Guy is trying to correct us and he corrects those He loves. Gluten is certainly a huge problem for a lot of people but I don’t think it’s the main culprit. It’s the added gluten slipped into the pasta, flour, and various other products during the processing phase that is the problem. This stuff is like glue and a natural component of just about all grains but when we eat a plate of pasta that has been processed in this day and age who knows how much gluten we’re getting, certainly too much I can guarantee that. On to leaven: “‘Every grain offering you bring to the LORD must be made without yeast, for you are not to burn any yeast or honey in an offering made to the LORD by fire. What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit [which is] in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? This is probably why so many are allergic to breads almost all bread you can buy in the store is made with yeast. I have recently bought a flour mill and started sprouting wheat and barley seeds for about 12 hours then letting them dry and grinding them into fine flour and making delicious unleavened bread and feel great after eating absolutely no bad side effects. Our daily bread is very important, we need these nutrients to function properly. Also please be on the lookout for anything with palm oil and annatto these are highly toxic ingredients for a lot of folks. I hope this helps someone. Good luck and get well. Thanks Shawn very good site.
An interesting point about the yeast. As for the gluten or wheat in general, I’ve recently read reports that todays high yield wheat, and genetically modified or crossbred wheat has all kinds of indigestible or troublesome components.
I’m going to look into this yeast thing though. Thanks for the tips. – Shawn
OMG I am glad I found your site and am as of right now going over my whole mess with my new doctor. I spoke with my old doctor on many occasion as to the terrible issues I have been dealing with, he did nothing. He’s not very good.
I have a spinal disease so when I do eat the wrong food, and don’t realise it’s actually got wheat in it, (yes, I have a lot of homework to do!) I get the worst spine pain known to man, and I ask my husband, when is this baby coming? All my pain goes to my back for whatever reason and then the diarhea follows.
I have been sick with IBS symptoms for 23 years and I’ve not ever been sent for one single test, only unrelated issues looked at. I’ve been told watch what you eat, – how can I do that if what is said to be good is making me sick. I get constant diarhea, pain and fatigue. In the past year this ugly wheat intollerance has gotten worst for me for sure.
Hoping I get all the tests necessary to figure this out so I can be back on the road of wellness :)
Thanks for your website.
You,re quite welcome for the website Ember :). Finding problem foods can be tricky. Getting wheat out of your diet can be tough too. If you didn’t see it, here is some info about . There’s also a “category” of posts about food intolerance you can find at: .
I’ve read that bowel pain can stimulate some of the same nerves as menstrual cramps, etc. If that’s true, maybe that’s part or all of the reason you feel like the baby’s on the way!
I hope your road to wellness is a short straight road. – Shawn
Thank goodness I found this site, I figured out on my own that I have wheat sensitivity, and feel very discouraged. Being on a fixed income limits my diet and I end up eating things I shouldn’t, and suffer for it. Now my daughter is showing signs, and I’m worried she will have to suffer too as my doctor is not helpful at all…at least now I know we are not alone…
Christina, you are DEFINITELY NOT alone. Doctors aren’t always quick to believe in wheat sensitivity. My general practitioner didn’t believe in it but sent me to a gastroenterologist because of bowel troubles. The gastro definitely DID believe in it. The fixed income thing must be hard to work around. I sometimes find that I have better luck looking for things in the asian section of the marked (for things like rice noodles to replace spaghetti, etc.). I think that’s because wheat wasn’t really a staple food there until contact with the west. Because of that, a lot of their foods end up not having wheat.
Shop carefully, and maybe you can find alternatives. I hate paying so much for some of the things I eat, but I could probably eat more cheaply if I worked at it.
I hope you can find some solutions. All the best! Shawn
This website is SO informative! I’ve been having diarrhea for almost 8 months straight now. Started after my baby was born 2-2-12. I’ve been having migraines, feeling sick constantly, bloated, my face has been breaking out like crazy, and the list goes on. I’ve been visiting my doctor trying to figure out what’s wrong. We’ve done blood tests for my organs, stool samples, and just ruling out things one at a time. She called me yesterday and asked how I’ve been feeling. Same as usual. She then suggested I may be allergic to wheat. I am already lactose intolerant, allergic to shellfish and iodine, and have to carry an epi-pen at all times. My dad is allergic to tree nuts and my cousin has celiac. So I guess it is a possibility. So I go back to get tested for it, and I’m hoping it is positive so I can start feeling better!
Congratulations on your new baby! Sorry to hear that you’re feeling so lousy. I know a woman that started having the sort of thing you’re having after her baby. Maybe it’s a temporary sensitivity. I hope so. Good luck with the testing! – Shawn
Oh and thanks for the kind words about the site :)
I was doing some research on wheat sensitivity and I come to this website I am glad I did. I just recently found out that I have wheat sensitivity after doing the skin allergy test. I also found out that I have sensitivity to oats, rice and of course milk. I always had bloating and occasional diarrhea and I have noticed my body odor changing. I thought wheat was healthy so I eat whole wheat eat all the time and I always eat oatmeal in the morning. Hopefully I have not done any major damage to my inside. I have decided to go gluten free. I know it will be hard but hate waking up in the morning and getting the weird feeling in my stomach. I was just wondering Shawn what is the easiest way to start without feeling restricted?
There are SO many more gluten free/wheat free choices out there now. That is if you live somewhere that carries them. I eat a lot of Glutino products. Crackers, pretzels, breads (which still disturb my gut – yeast maybe?), and their english muffins (in moderation). I also like Van’s Waffles. I put a little butter and maple syrup on, but some people have trouble with fats, and sugars. I hope you haven’t done any lasting damage to your insides too. I’ve read that the lining of your gut can recover pretty well after a while. Your mileage may vary as they say. Maybe someone else here will have some ideas. ANYONE???
Thanks Shawn im off to see my doctor on thursday with yet another food diary and to see what she thinks of my progress. i have noticed more of a difference even over night.. the @ibs bloat” or what I have been calling it for the last year has gone down.. contemplating a life without pain good, contemplating life without cake..bad!
thanks so much for replying back, its nice to talk to someone about this
Hi i could do with some advice. i was diagnosed with ibs but have still felt very ill, i get the stabbing pains, bloating, toilet troubles no energy, and lately i have had acid problems, heartburn and felt very sick it comes and goes. the doctors seem to fob me off on oh its just this take this but ive had a year of it an im not better, i was extremely ill the other night after eating alot of bread and thought id try excluding wheat from my diet i am 2 dyas in and most the pain has gone away other than im still tired, i still feel abit of acid in my throat and still experiencing some upper abdominal pain. how long do you think it would take for me to go back to normal if it was a wheat intolerance? do you think it would be pretty much straight away or do you think it would take time?
Hi Jenny, I don’t have any letters after my name. No MD, ND, LN, etc. So I don’t give advice. BUT I can give my experiences and my opinions. First of all, if your doctor isn’t taking you seriously, you may want to consider a second opinion or a different doctor. A year is a long time to be sick, though many people are sick for a longer time with IBS and it’s symptoms, before getting help. Meanwhile, I’ve read that acid reflux (GERD) often happens to people that have IBS. I know that’s my case. That’s probably the burning in your throat, though of course I don’t know that for sure.
From what you’ve written, you’ve gotten relief after not eating wheat for 2 days. If a food is disturbing your digestion it might take a while for it to settle down. BUT if you’re GETTING RELIEF, that’s a huge step in the right direction. It’s possible that it’s not the bread, or even the wheat, but something in the bread. If it’s yeast, then you could probably still eat pasta for instance. If it’s gluten, your probably going to have to avoid other gluten containing foods. A food elimination diet might help you figure out if it’s just wheat, or other things too. A “dietitian” as opposed to a nutritionist, OR a good doctor may be able to help you find foods that don’t agree with you.
One more thing. Get that burning checked out. Reflux/GERD can damage the esophagus and your voice! Good luck! Let us know how you make out. Shawn
I probably have to live gluten-free too but I’m stubborn. That’s like all I eat. I know it’s unhealthy but I’m addicted. But husband is allergic/intolerant to gluten, lactose, eggs, peanuts, shellfish, and preservatives. I know how boring his food is and I’d rather be obese than eat like him! But I may have to. I feel like I may have been sensitive for years but only recently since I gave birth 4 months ago I’ve been more sensitive. It could be the antibiotics they pumped through me.
I can’t have ANY lactose even cheese. My husband can eat cheese as long as it doesn’t have “modified milk ingredients” which mean preservatives were added. I wonder if he was ever lactose intolerant or if it was something else in milk. Anyway enough about him.. he’s good and doesn’t get sick anymore. Besides still having chronic fatigue.
So will eating bread and only feeling a little sick (I think bloating? Feels kinda like chest tightness) make me sicker or do damage to my system? I might give it up once my bread runs out. I bought lactose free bread to make sure I wasn’t just getting sick from the lactose, and I still feel kinda sick. I also get heartburn bad and occasional loose bowels but nothing like when eating lactose, that was immediate loose bowels. Sometimes I get fatigue and anxiety. My gums are also swelling at the moment but I don’t know if that’s related. Oh and my nose is stuffed. I don’t see that listed in the symptoms. Well thanks for reading.
HMMMM. I’m not an allergy expert by any means, but I’ve read articles describing your symptoms. If I remember correctly they discussed food allergies causing a lot of what you describe.If it were me, I’d consider getting tested for allergies. You may not have to live on such a restrictive diet if you can find what’s setting you off. Good luck!
I forgot to say I am reading Living Gluten-free for Dummies as well as have finished reading THE G FREE DIET. The folks at Whole Foods and Earth Fare have become my best friends.
Thanks so much for sharing the details of your story Sharon. It’s good to hear stories that inspire hope. I wish you continued good health! – Shawn
Just happened across your site and wanted to share my thoughts with you. In ’94, I had a hysterectomy for endometrial CA which was followed by 36 rad. rx. Afterwards, I had to carefully watch my diet and not eat lots of fiber or acidic foods. In the past few yrs, I have been able to eat wheat and multigrain bread, etc. All of a sudden started having explosive diarrhea as I did after the rad. rx. Of course was told it was IBS. Well, I am a retired nurse and decided to do some investigating. As of tomorrow, I will be 1 week gluten free. I will continue this for a couple more weeks and then recontact my internist. I am being careful to eat a balanced diet and taking my probiotic that I have been taking for quite a while. So far so good. I really will hate to go back to the Dr and say I told you so . I have not needed immodium the past 2 days and prior to that, had to take 1 or 2 tabs after bkfst daily. That was the suggestion from my Dr. Just wanted to share.
Hi shawn
First wanted to say what a brilliant website have saved it in my favourites and know I will be back for more reading. I have had
IBS since I was 8 and I’m now 29. 2 years ago I was told I had a wheat intolerance so did the whole elimination diet and then not by bit it crept back into my diet. I am now suffering again with tummy cramps, aching ankles in the morning, itchy ears and congested throat and itchiness. The most concerning and new
Symptom is bloody bowel movements sorry for too much info. I’ve been to the docs and have sent samples away, had a blood test and I’m waiting for a colonoscopy to look for infection IBD and crohns. I am now starting to wonder if it’s wheat again afyer finding your website so today I’m cutting out wheat again. Has anyone had these symptoms inc the blood?
Thanks again for your website ;-)
Wow! 8???? And blood?! Scary stuff Amy. I hope everything turns out okay! Thank you so much for sharing your story, and for the kind words about my site. I hope you find something useful. – Shawn
I am so glad I came across your site on wheat sensitivity. The last two years I have this red and itchy rash on my arms and upper chest. The itching about drives me crazy! I suffer from many allergies, the usual symptoms, itchy eyes/throat etc…including medication side affects, pain medicine [I found out the hard way after surgery], hay fever, to just name a few. Now I found out that fillers in meds often use wheat or other grains. Who knew? I also suffer from asthma to the point of needing an inhaler at times. In an effort to get ‘healthy’ I began using whole grain bread, pasta, etc. in the same amount of time I’ve had the rash. So I asked my Dr. if it could be a wheat allergy? She said no, because the rash to wheat is only on your torso or back, etc. However, she left me the option to try. I read the book, Wheat Belly and a lot of it resonated with me and what I have experienced. In my late 30’s/early 40’s I suffered from IBS. My dr tells me I have the beginnings of diverticulitis as well. I have had bloating and some other digestive symptoms but not any kind of pattern at all that I have noticed. So at the very least I think this is all indicative of a wheat sensitivity. I did read it could take up to a 1 yr for the rash to disappear. Anyone else dealing with rashes connected to this sensitivity?
I’m SUPPOSED to be writing about the link between hay fever and wheat sensitivity, one of these days. Yes, wheat hides everywhere. Thanks for sharing your story! I hope someone chimes in about how long the rash lasts. I don’t have much info on that; but I can’t imagine it would take a year after you’ve stopped eating the irritating food. Still ANYONE?? ANYONE???
Thanks Trish, for sharing your info! – Shawn
I have had growing issues with wheat and rye (senstivity) as well as corn (actual allergy) over the past decade and try to avoid most grain/gluten free products (many contain corn).
I have also suffered from migraine headaches since I was a child and have recently seen a new neurologist which helped explain why I had symptoms when I didn’t eat any of my “forbidden grains”. Some of the pre-migraine symptoms mimic my sensitivities/allergies to grains (constipation, irritability, depression, nausea, stomach upset, abdominal pain, etc.).
Having wheat sensitivity AND migraines doesn’t change anything but it may help some of your readers if they are having trouble pinpointing what the issues are.
Great website its so good to know there are others having same issues as I am. I just found out on May 11th , 2012 that I have to be on a gluten free diet as one of the blood test came back positive.im 37yrs old and never knew this or had any symptoms before..Dr said i have wheat intolerance and the next step is to see a specialist. I’m still trying to figure out what are we allowed to drink? beside water. I need to find a nutritionist that can help me out. Toronto is very diverse and we have many gluten free shops, restaurants and bakeries i find it a healthier way of eating and my engery level in just 10days has gone back to my normal high energy level. i hope i dont have intestinal damage but i have to do scope test next week. anyone have suggestions on what is a good Book to start reading
Thanks for the positive feedback! Glad to hear you’ve found some answers. I can recommend that IBS for Dummies book. :) It has a lot of useful info, and takes it a bit on the light side. Good luck!
My mom’s been telling me I may have a food allergy for a couple months now but I just kinda shrugged it off. I’ve been living with this rash on my butt *embarrassing!* for a couple years now and the doctors kept telling me it was abscess or folliculitis. Then more recently I noticed the mood swings, bloating, constipation, and chronic fatigue. Something wasn’t right..but I still shrugged it off. Then last night I ate a bagel and some milk and couldn’t stop burping for about 2 hours! I can’t even burp on command and I hardly ever do unless I drink soda..which I don’t hardly ever do. Then, that night when I slept, I woke up 12 hours later. I’ve been known to sleep for longer hours then necessary. I’m pretty sure something’s wrong. Wheat or dairy. Something’s up!
Hi Erika! It’s a hard thing to get used to, thinking that you may have to make a change to the way your used to eating. Finding out if you have a problem is the first step. Believe me. feeling better is WORTH IT! Good luck!
I have had various autoimmune symptoms for several years now, with symptoms worsening the past couple of years. I developed some sort of inflammation in my lungs that would not go away and which developed into pneumonia. Since then, I have had continuous problems with my joints and been on medicine to suppress my immune system, which seemed to remove all symptoms. Doctors have no idea what’s going on…but I am convinced it has to do with my immune system. Couple of months ago I gave up wheat, and my weight has just been shedding off me, I have more energy than before and feel healthier. The joint pain disappeared while I was on meds and if I had traces of wheat I could feel it in my joints immediately. I am now off the meds, but the the lung inflammation is now back again with vengeance…but at least I have gone down 2 dress sizes, have more energy and have solved stomach problems…now just have to sort out the respiratory probs
I am so glad you found SOME relief! Thank you for sharing your inspirational story, Kati. All the best! Shawn
I get EXTREME fatigue, flu like symptoms and VERY achy and I have Asthma and sinus symptoms from eating bagels, bread, pizza and the like. I have been tested for Crohns, and Celiacs, which both turned up negative. I still believe I have some type of food intolerance. About 20 minutes after eating anything like this, I can’t even stay awake (extreme fatigue kicks in), hours later I have achy joints and bloating. You are very correct, it has been 11 years and I am just figuring this all out. After numerous trips to my MD who has diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia (and has given me little hope), I believe I have a food intolerance. It is making me so sick, I am naturally developing an aversion to any of these food items, which actually helps avoid them. I have eaten these items to see how I feel later and sure enough, I feel horrible. I feel much better when I avoid them. I need a list of foods I can eat, rather than what I can’t which seems to be a longer list. Thank you for your website. I think this is going to be something hard to get use to, but just feeling better for life and not damaging my body will be all worth it. Thank You!
Hi. I have been reading the posts here and am beginning to wonder if I may be sensitive to wheat?
Was diagnosed with possible IBS some years ago but no real idea what triggered it and the symptoms disappeared approx 5 years ago. Last November I suddenly developed bloating, stomach cramps and nausea with pain under the breastbone. (Also get a lot of heartburn – doctor thought it might be reflux disease – and have coughed nearly every day for over 5 years (dry tickle in back of throat. Dr has no idea what causes it – not asthma and x-ray clear!)The heartburn/cough gives me a wierd headache in the centre of my forehead, kind of ‘cold’ sensation if that makes sense?
Tests/scans seemed to rule out gallstones. Then 2 months ago ate pasta one week 3 nights in a row – beef lasagne, macaroni cheese and spag bol – and got bloating/pains again but didn’t make any connection.
48 hours ago we had a pasta melt dish for tea and within an hour or so I had terrible cramps and have felt constantly nauseous with bloating ever since. Eating anything makes my stomach uncomfortable at the moment.
Am not a great lover of cakes and biscuits these days, but did notice that wheaten crackers caused a mild reaction too.
Does any of this sound familiar to anyone?
Hi Shawn,
I just found your site last night and after reading through it, I think I might have a hweat or gluten problem too. This is all new to me, so I am not really sure. I have had two miserable health years, maybe more. I was a dormer competetive swimmer when I started to put on a lot of weight really fast. I felt so bad. It went from 20 to almost 40 lbs of weight gain now. I had to stop swimming. I have tried so many diets. I have been depressed and have had the worst allergies for this time period. My ears are always stuffy and my sinuses. I live with nose spray all the time and cold medicine. Nothing really helps. Last year the allergies were so bad that I had several months of bouts with vertigo. I have also had stomach problems pretty much after every meal. I have been to many doctors and no one has been able to help me. They just write prescriptions for symptom relief. It is very frustrating. I went from slim, muscular and full of energy, to 40 extra pounds pale and bloated and depressed. I don’t resemble myself at all. I don’t know what to do. Thank you for creating this site. It is really good to learn!
Jill, that sounds horrible. Have you tried a food elimination diet? Or what about an allergy specialist? I hope you find the help you need soon!
Just checkin’ in again. It’s odd but it seems the gastro-enterologists are the least likely to support a food sensitivity/allergy test for digestive issues. Our family has had problems, Crohn’s disease in particular, but only the naturopath recommended a food sensitivity test and a dietary change. I would suggest to anyone having any hard-to-diagnose health problems to have a blood test done for sensitivities. You really do have to become a bit of an advocate to get some answers. Our naturopath also recommended a particular brand of vitamins and supplements as most over-the-counter brands are all but useless for those with malabsorption problems. We do let our doctor know what we are taking and why of course. We also go organic as much as possible, grass-fed beef and non GMO foods. Sometimes it’s the food additives that can cause as many problems as the ingredients themselves. Good luck to all, and good health!
I’ve had the same experience with Gastroenterologists and allopathic doctors. They don’t think there is a connection for some reason. Thanks for the update Patty! – Shawn
Hi and was so enlightening to read all of the above. I suffered symptoms like IBS for about 30 yrs and then in the past 4 yrs attacks of diverticulitis before I finally went to a naturopath in desperation. He gave me the NO sugar, wheat or dairy diet to try. Instant transformation to my bowels and digestive system and a bonus – no throat mucus, nasal,cough, chest, etc that also used to be a common problem. No antibiotics (no doctor’s visits) for 6 months so far and life is so much easier. I backslide a little each time I crib on the diet – this happens when I am out at friend’s places or resaurants. It is so worth it to find the substitute foods – or I mainly just eat lots more vegetables and alternative grains and seeds. Thanks for letting us air our views and share. I want more people to know of this as I know lots of my friends and family would benefit from leaving these things out of their diet. They just cant get past some of the hurdles or they just need to get sicker. But they ask me – “how do you you keep so slim? – I just cant get rid of my belly”. We need to get this out there. Thanks again.
Thank YOU Aileen! Your story is inspiring. Thousands of people come here a month and will see it. May it help them too. – Shawn
Hi, Shawn!
I am a ‘health nut’ who is always puzzled- I eat so healthy yet often experience bloating and bowel discomfort. I noticed sugar and dairy (casein and lactose both) were a problem years ago and TRY to avoid them. If I cheat a tiny bit, though, I’m toast.
For many months I’ve been suspecting wheat or gluten. I am pregnant and had the WORST 1st trimester EVER (it’s my 4th pregnancy). I went off wheat last week, and the tummy aches stopped! Yesterday, though, I ate 2 white buns and then today I ate half a whole wheat pita. Now I’m in bed with bloating and terrible tummy ache, unable to eat dinner. So I’m pretty sure I’ve found the culprit!!!!! But, I can eat rye crackers so I think my case is a wheat allergy and not an actual gluten intolerance.
Thanks for the info on your site. I hate to think of the work and expense associated with giving up one more food and finding substitutes, but I realize now it HAS to be done.
Thank you for the GREAT information Maureen! I’m glad you found your cuplprit. Thank you for the kind words about my site. – Shawn
At the beginning of January I read the book, Wheat Belly. I thought it was very interesting and decided to try wheat elimination for my whole family for a week. To my amazement, my 11 year old daughter who has always been grouchy was a completely different child. Smiling, sunny, great mood. My daughter and I have continued and are now in week 3 (my husband and younger daughter dropped out) and the results in her mood are tremendous. Last weekend, we decided to go off the plan and have pizza/bagels/our normal weekend fare … she felt miserable all weekend. I am just amazed by this. Who knew!
That is AMAZING! Thanks for sharing that story Sawyer. – Shawn
Thank you to all who related health circumstances. It is encouraging to hear symptoms can be controlled with the proper diet.
About 12 years ago, a Nutritionist put me on a very strict diet, excluding wheat, dairy, sugar and a variety of foods which the food allergy test revealed were a problem for me. I lost weight and i was already slim and i looked anorexic. I remember feeling better but then even while i was wheat free, i had some digestive problems and my doctor tested me for Celiac. It was negative but she said i could still have a sensitivity to wheat. I had a Colonoscopy which was clear and the Gastro doctor said i need to eat wheat for fibre. I went back on wheat. For the last few years, i suspected i have a malabsorption problem but the doc hasn’t investigated this yet, only recently found that I am not absorbing iron and folic acid. Several years ago, I developed a facial skin rash which may well be rosacea. Somedays it is worse than others but never fully clears. Now i am wondering if this rash is exacerbated by wheat? I eat loads of wholewheat bread daily. I eat porridge oats everyday too, but i don’t think this is my problem. To be honest, I don’t really know what is my problem and what is causing it. Doc is no wiser. I suspect malabsorption because i eat a very healthy diet of fresh fruit and veg and very little sugar, no preservatives and i look and feel ill all the time.
Any ideas on the skin rash called rosacea and diet/IBS, etc? I haven’t been diagnosed with rosacea, but it looks like that’s what it is.
Great site. Thanks and Happy 2012!
Hey there Nina, I don’t know of any direct connection between rosacea and wheat. I have seen a number of facial rashes associated with wheat sensitivity. I really think you should investigate further. A food elimination diet might tell you in a couple of weeks if wheat is your problem. There are so many good wheat free breads and things now, that it shouldn’t be TOO painful. They are expensive though.
If you try an elimination diet and your rash goes away, I would think that is proof something in your diet is causing your problem.
Thanks for the compliment on the site. Happy 2012 to you all! Shawn
I have a wonderful Dr. who tested me and found me to be allergic to many things. Wheat is one of them, gluten is not.
I can eat a minimal amount of white bread with no issues but if I eat a whole wheat piece of bread it is horrible.
The headaches, stomach issues, diarrhea , and puffy hands are not fun when wheat is the culprit.
Gluten free and wheat free are not the same thing at all, well meaning friends offer me gluten free products that make me ill.
I am happy to have a place to discuss things.
my list of allergies is long , but I am not bothered by it except for the beef/cow allergy. I grew up eating beef and do really miss it. However 3 days of intense stomach pain, diarrhea and nausea and vomiting is not worth a bit of beef. I can still eat a tiny bit of cheese or ice cream if it is late in the day .
Since I do not like coffee or chocolate and never have these allergies are not an issue or concern with me.
best of health to all
I’m so glad you’ve found some answers. Thank you for letting me and other people know how important foods can be in IBS symptoms.
All the best! Shawn
Hi Shawn,
Thank you so much for your helpful website. I have a few food allergies and now have discovered a wheat allergy. Thank you also for the others who have contributed, it’s been so helpful.
Hi Michele, Thanks for taking the time to comment. Comments make it all worth while :). I hope you’re feeling better.
While I have been very careful with my diet of late and have been enjoying an increase in energy and general well-being as a result there is a small down side. I have several older and elderly clients who enjoy baking. They are very generous with their baking successes and I have not yet had the heart to refuse their culinary gifts. I usually just say that I will take the item home with me and share it with the family. I suppose I shall have to ‘fess up some day and explain the whole gluten-wheat-free situation with them. Has anybody else run into something like this? How did you handle it? Not a huge problem in the grand scheme of things, I know.
Yes, that happened to me a lot at first. Then I finally broke down and told everyone (which was repetitive and awkward) that I had issues with wheat. now they go out of their way to try out gluten free recipes on me! :) Most of them are good too. It has caused me to gain back much of the weight I lost when going gluten free though. Thanks for checking in Patty!
Hi Shawn,
I found your site while looking up wheat sensitivity. Had a positive blood test for wheat and gluten two years in a row now. The first time I thought it was interesting but didn’t take it too seriously as I didn’t really have any serious symptoms and baked goods tasted soooo good! This year I’ve had to get more diligent about my diet. I have skin rashes but no digestive symptoms. I have lately had some asthma type symptoms and was surprised to hear that one other person reported some ear issues as I have had that and nasal/sinus congestion for a long time. Achey joints and general fatigue were things I just attributed to being 50-ish. I do have anxiety problems but never thought of it as a result of my diet. I think everyone reacts to sensitivities in a different way.
Both my husband and one of our daughters has Crohn’s disease and I have learned a lot about nutrition through their experiences but they both feel that as long as they take their medications and feel relatively good that they can eat whatever they want. I think we all may have a case of denial about our dietary health and needs.
Gluten-free products are more available now, there is even a gluten-free bakery in my town. How strict does one have to be about gluten and wheat in the diet and how long does it take before these symptoms disappear?
I was glad to find your page, it’s well-organized and easy to navigate. I hope to be a frequent visitor.
Thank you so much for your feedback about my IBS site. Yes there are a lot more gluten free items out there now. I even get doughnuts and brownies (Better Crocker sells them right in the baking section with their other products at our store)! I recently tried mung bean pasta and found that to be very good. I’m told it’s also low carb.
As far as the achy joints, fatigue and ear, yes, I have heard that from people. I’ve also read about it in studies. I tend to be very strict about gluten, because I know it makes my IBS flare up. Some of your symptoms sound pretty serious (skin rashes and especially asthma). If it were me, I’d be pretty strict about gluten with those symptoms, especially since you said that your blood test shows you have some kind of sensitivity or allergy to it.
I’d really consider talking to whomever gave you that test to find out more about how important it is to avoid gluten in your case. I know it made a big difference for me.
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, Patty! Good luck and good health.
Hi Shawn,
I’ve been thinking for a while that I have a wheat or dairy sensitivity… The biggest symptom is mood-swings, irritability, constipation, I think bloating but I can’t tell for sure because it feels like I’m always bloated (I had attributed it to constipation). No physical pain though.. Could I still have a sensitivity eventhough I don’t experience noticeable physical symptoms..
thank you in advance,
I’m no doctor and even a doctor can’t diagnose anything over the web, but… I know that when I eat dairy (to which I’m sensitive) I get mood swings.
In fact any disruption in my bowels seems to cause a kind of depression, weakness and lack of energy. IBS usually or always involves pain. It’s one of the hallmark symptoms. Food sensitivity may not do that though I suppose. A food elimination diet or an antibody blood test seem to be the most reliable methods of finding out what you’re sensitive too.
It would be no surprise if you were lactose intolerant, since most people in the world are, but it’s also possible to be sensitive to other components of dairy products such as casein.
I have had a steadily worsening lactose intolerance for about 40 years, no big deal, you learn to live with what you can’t eat and when lactose free milk came along I was happy.
In 2001 I had colon cancer which was treated with radiation and surgery and cancer drugs and I have had no recurrance with that. But I noticed after the surgery and recovery that my lactose intolerance was worse than ever but only with milk, ice cream, and soft cheeses like cottage cheese. The other, harder cheeses gave me no problem.
In 2006 I had stomach bypass surgery and lost 115 lbs. That surgery keeps you from eating all kinds of things until your system gets used to it until you can eat like before but hopefully you have learned better eating habits. That process takes at least a year so any weird symptoms you develop are usually considered to be part of the recovery process. You absolutely cannot tolerate sugar, it will give you what is called “dumping syndrome” (look it up), but will get better with time so that you can tolerate a little of it (thank goodness for Splenda).
But I kept having bad spells of diarrhea, which got progressively worse, sometimes soiling myself, I started to wear diapers on days when I expected a good “cleaning out” as I did not have a daily BM and when I did it was all watery and always floated. This “cleaning out” sometimes meant that I was in the bathroom on and off for over an hour which wore me out and caused soreness too. No fun.
By then I had retired from working so at least I did not have to worry about any accidents although before that a few times I had to call in absent as on my way to work my bowels just “let loose” and I had to return home.
About 3 weeks ago I ran out of bread and did not feel like going to the store just to get bread. So I did without, eating potatoes or rice. For some reason I did not feel like having any kind of pasta. When I finally did go to the store I forgot to get bread. I wasn’t going to go again just to get bread.
By then I had not had any bread for about 5 or 6 days and I suddenly had a real formed BM which sank to the bottom of the bowl. I had not seen that in years, so tried to figure out what was different and the only thing I could think of was the lack of bread.
Now I have not had any bread for the 3 weeks and I have not had any “cleaning out”, no floating mooshy BMs, no symptoms of lactose intolerance (bloating, flatulance etc). So now I am wondering if maybe I am not lactose intolerant at all which is unusual in a Northern European anyway, but that I may have had a wheat intolerance instead which has slowly been getting worse over the last 40 years. I am going to keep away from bread of any kind including cookies, cake and crackers and see where that goes. If and when I get a craving for pasta I will see what happens then.
I have no other symptoms, my hair is fine, so is my skin, no sudden weight gain or loss. If all I have to do is stay away from bread and its kin, I can deal with that. Lactose? I am used to drinking lactose-free milk and Splenda will take care of any sweet-tooth I may develop.
Since I live alone I don’t have to worry about what someone else may want to eat.
Just thought I’d share this with you.
That is an incredible and valuable story. Thank you so much for sharing it. I hope your suspicions are correct and you’ve found a solution!
I was looking up “wheat sensitivity” and found you. I have a long history(and a long story) of bowel “issues”. I did my own version of dieting in 2008 and lost 40lbs. I felt amazing. I thought I’d try going back, just a little, to eating like “everybody else”. In reality, NO ONE should be eating the way Americans think is “normal”! I ate meat, vegetables, a little quinoa & rice for the whole grains, seeds, nuts, nut-butters, NO PEANUTS, gluten-free nut crackers, NO BREAD, gluten free wraps, very SMALL amounts of cheese (no processed cheese), goat milk, almond milk & rice milk, but no cow’s milk, organic butter & olive oil, sesame oil, coconut oil, added lots of spices, (Which did NOT mess with my bowels while eating like this!), eggs were limited and fresh lemon juice was a daily STAPLE! I avoided processed sugar like the plague! I opted for Stevia, chickory root, honey, puer maple syrup and RAW sugar (if I used sugar at all!) as my sweeteners. I learned quickly how to make gluten free pancakes, muffins, etc. and I didn’t really eat that stuff very much at all. I ate a little something, literally, every two hours! Except when sleeping! haha I had regular, daily bowel movements, more than once a day even usually. The bloating, flatulence, constipation all stopped. The weight “fell” off of me. My hair clients were even asking me: “Are you ok?” because they saw me change shape so quickly! I got down to a size 5/6 jeans and I went from 155 lbs. to 115 lbs. And I was healthy!!! In the past year, 2010, I started to fall back into a MILD version of eating like I/we used to. I have changed a lot in our home as far as how we all eat, but I was the only one who really stuck to the “diet” I was on. I literally can NOT eat like my family! I am back at 140 lbs. My face is breaking out again, my joints ache on & off, I’m bloated 75% of the time. My lungs feel like I have a bronchial infection “coming on” 50% of the time,(which I understand to be caused from inflamation!), some days I have more energy than others, but I’m feeling fatigued again (like I can’t get enough coffee) and then if I drink more coffee, I feel horrible, too! (vicious circle… YOU know!) Honestly, the reason I was looking up “wheat sensitivity” is because I’ve been having this weird ringing in my ears for about a month now (comes & goes) but it’s there everyday now and it feels like water in both of my ears sometimes even. I’ve done a lot of research on Candida, too. Basically, whatever my diagnosis is (and I’ve not gotten one) I HAVE to go back to eating MY “healthy” diet, or else! The weird thing is, my bowel movements have still been regular but now it may be “loose” some times! Thanks for your site info! Sounds like I have a “brother” out there! Reading this stuff has confirmed for me what I need to do! God bless you!
Holy smokes! Yes, it does seem like I have a sister out there :). Your story and mine are so similar it’s amazing. Thanks so much for sharing your story, and for giving me a boost to keep this site going. I need that sometimes and your timing was perfect.
Also thanks for the reminder! I too have slipped on my diet, and have gotten pretty sick a few times. Time to get more strict in that area, especially with the cow’s milk (cheese addict and a bit tired of goat cheese which I CAN eat for some reason).
I felt much better before
I think your point about the “American Diet” is SO IMPORTANT Michelle; It’s so hard when you can’t eat like your family. Thanks again, and may God bless you too.